Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Cold War And The War I And II - 1850 Words

Made up of a collective group of events, the Cold War is one of the most debated and intriguing topics in world history. Between the years of 1947 and 1991, the notorious war was in full swing; and the divide between capitalism and communism was larger than ever before. The Cold War, which began as a result of the tension that remained between the Soviet Union and the United States of America at the conclusion of World War I and II, was – to an overwhelming extent – an ideological conflict fuelled by manipulative propaganda. These controlling advertisements, weaved into various parts of mainstream media and popular culture, were most prominent in three areas – board games, comics and film within the home, cunning posters and videos on a national domain and lastly, in various forms of media such as speeches and government-created videos targeted to an international audience. The governments of both communist and capitalist nations tweaked several elements of popular culture to influence the people within their homes to support their nation’s effort towards fighting the opposing ideology. Donald Crandall, a heavily anti-communist entrepreneur during the Cold War, went as far as to create a board game for the American people blatantly titled Victory Over Communism. The key idea of the game was for the players to answer questions about communist-related topics, and if they were to answer correctly they were able to free a â€Å"slave country†. On a poster promoting the game, it wasShow MoreRelatedWhy The Cold War?. By:Nabil.O. Mrs. Stark. English. March826 Words   |  4 PagesWhy the Cold War? By:Nabil.O Mrs. Stark English March 17th 2017 People think the Cold War was like every war where they fought and fought until someone won, but no the Cold War was unique, because a lot of lives would be gone if it was an ordinary war. 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Well we only know what we read in our history books which says that it was caused by the conflicts of communism and capitalism. Was this the real reason for the cold war? In my essay I will give details about the cold war and tell why

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